Perito Moreno Gletsjer - Trekking

Denk je eraan om Perito Moreno te bezoeken? Je kan dan ook overwegen om een ijs trekking te doen. Unieke ervaring. Foto’s, info en financials kan je hieronder terugvinden, wij deden het in Nov 2016.

Groetjes !

We’ve been planning to go to Perito Mereno. But a price increase from ₱ 4000,- to ₱ 6200 in a year… Pretty outrages.

Are there cheaper but also excellent icewalks in the region?

I would not really call it outrageous. :slight_smile: That’s just the current effect of the economic situation in Argentina. Inflation is extremely high, so price increases are very normal.

To give you a small example: when I researched about the bus from El Chalten to El Calafate, I found some info on 2013, that it was 150 pesos. Nov 2016, only 3 years later, we took this bus: 600 pesos.

Also bear in mind that the argentinian peso decreases in value. In Nov 2016, it was 1 euro = 16.5/17 pesos.
Recently, its already at almost 1 euro = 20 pesos.

There is some glacier trekking in the El Chalten area, the Viedma Ice trek. I think prices are a bit lower, but still: it’s an Ice trekking, so don’t expect a lot cheaper :slight_smile: Good luck !