Georgie Mtirala nationaal park

Georgia Mtirala National Park
is located in historical Achara. The territory of Mtirala is constructed by volcanic-sedimentary rocks of so-called “Naghvarevi Pack”, which are presented by alternation of sub-alkali and lime alkali basalts, trachiandesites, andesites, delenites, tuffites, marls and argillites. Mount Mtirala is located between the Black Sea and Achara mountain system on the watershed of Chakvistskali and Koraghitskali.These mountains intercept the humid air from the Black Sea and determine Achara’s very humid climate. Generally, Achara is rich in atmospheric precipitation but the Mount Mtirala, height of which is 1381 m above sea level, is the most abundant with precipitation. Annual precipitation reaches to 4520 mm here, due to which the Mount Mtirala is considered as one of the wettest sites not only in Achara but in our country as well.The toponym “Mtirala” (“Weeping”) was given to this Mount just because of abundant precipitation.
The flora of Mtirala is rich and diverse. In the territory of the National Park are widespread both, the forest vegetation represented by chestnut groves, beech groves and the mixed forest of Cholchic type and evergreen shrubbery of Pontic rhododendron* (Rhododendron ponticum)* characteristic for Kolkheti. Beech, lime, chestnut, alder and hornbeam can be found in the forest of Colchic type. The underbrush is covered with shrubbery of Pontic rhododendron, Cherry laurel (Laurocerasus officinalis),Black Sea holly (Ilex colchica), Colchic box tree (*Buxus colchica)several kinds of lianas.
Rare, endemic and Georgia’s Red List species to Achara-Lazeti such as Teaberry-likearbutus
(Epigaea gaultheroides), *Primrose(Primula megasaefolia) and Medvedev’s birch (Betula medwedewii) are widespread in the territory of Mtirala National Park.
The fauna of Mtirala is rich as well. Among amphibians Caucasian salamander, Banded newt, Caucasian toad, Common tree frog, Long-legged frog and Eurasian marsh frog can be found here.
Three species of lizard and several species of snakes, such as Grass Snake and Dice Snake, and Caucasian Viper inhabit here.
The Ornithofauna of the National Park is quite richinbirds of prey. Here are registered Booted Eagle (Hieraaetus pennantus), Common Buzzard(Buteo buteo), Goshawk(Accipiter gentilis),Sparrowhawk(Accipiter nisus),Eurasian hobby(Falco subbuteo),Common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus), as well as the nocturnal birds of prey, such as Eurasian eagle owl (Bubo bubo) and Common scops owl (Otus scops). Among the other birds here nest hoopoe, woodpecker, raven, Blackbird, and Golden oriole.
Among small mammals the following inhabit the NationalPark: badger, weasel, Caucasian (Persian)
s**quirrel, hare, Red fox, mole and wild cat. Among large mammals the Brown bear inhabit the Park. Lynx and wolf can be found here as well. Among ungulates the Roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) can be found in the forests and rarely – the Wild boar *(Sus scrofa).
*Ruins of fortresses and bridges of the Early and Late Middle Ages are found in the surroundings of Mount Mtirala (or Tsiskara). The most important monuments of those periods are the 13th century Skhalta church of hall type, Khikhani, Gonio and Petra castles. Territories near the Mtirala National Park, in Didi Achara, Dandaloand Maradidi still keep mosques – cult buildings of Moslem Georgians. The villages nearby Mtirala Park keep unique samples of ancient national wooden houses. Archeological excavations discovered even the oldest – the pre-Christian monuments. The ruins of iron mines and Colchic settlements of 3rd-2nd centuries B.C. have been investigated. And In the territory of Gonio castle, which in ancient Greek and Roman annals is known as Apsarunti, the hippodrome, store buildings and houses of the 2nd century B.C. were excavated.
Summer tourism is very well-developed in Kvariati and Chakvi resorts. The National Park itself has quite good potential for development of bird-watching and ecotourism. Development of ethnographical tourism is possible in the nearby mountain villages as well.
The first tourist trail starts at the Visitors’ Centre. The path stretches along the left bank of the Chakvistavi River; its height varies within 296-476 m above sea level. On your way you will meet the representatives of Colchic flora and fauna, such as the Georgia’s Red List species: Georgian walnut, Colchic hazelnut, Ungerni’s and Pontic rhododendrons; Brown bear, marten, Red fox; Golden eagle,Sparrowhawk, Blackbird, Rock dove, *et al.
*At a distance of 2 km from the Visitor’s Centre there is a picnic site – a flat area shadowed by plane tree, nearby of which the mountain spring and streamlet flow.
At a distance of 400 m before the picnic site, the path turns to the south-west and stretches to the waterfall covered with Box-tree and climber, the height of which exceeds 12 meters.
At a distance of 1 km from the waterfall the river flows among cliffs, which transforms into the transparent, running water lake rich in trouts; there are picnic, camp-fire and camping sites nearby.
On the way from the lake to the Visitors’ Centre the tourists will see the sights of the ruins of ancient settlements.

*More information about the National parks and protected Areas can be found on: *

Georgian Tourist Board for more information, see internet site
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